Tuesday, December 20, 2005


The Magical Red Cone Flashlight

You know the ones like the police use to direct traffic.

I had the task last night of helping direct traffic at the church for our drive thru Nativity scene. I discovered that this flashlight has magical powers. It instills these powers to the one holding the flashlight. I first noticed my new power when a car approached and I raised the light and it immediately stopped. When it was time for this car to move I raised the flashlight and made a motion with it for the car to move forward and it did. Amazing. This light even gives its user the ability to tell a car where to stop. You point the light at the car then to a spot on the pavement and the car moves to that spot. Even more amazing .

Well, I just had to make more use of my new found powers over the hundreds of cars entering our parking lot. I started pointing at cars causing them to move forward to the spot I pointed to on the pavement. I caused hundreds of cars to move just with a wave of my red cone flashlight. I could make cars stop, move, go to a certain spot and do just about anything else I wanted them to. What a rush of power.

So if you want to feel the rush that I felt, go out and get you a red cone flashlight and try it in the street in front of your house. You will wield a power of Herculean proportion.

Till then

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